A Blog About Rae Bug's Thought Process..

Life Of Bug

Life Of Bug

Sunday, June 15, 2014



Why Does Everything Happen For A Reason???

The saying goes: "Everything Happens For A Reason"... 
I often wonder why certain shit happens... Then, years, or, even a few days later, I'm like: "Oooohh! That's why that happened... If that wouldn't have happened, then, I wouldn't be in this certain situation right now."
 Most of the time it turns out to be a good situation. But, sometimes, it's a bad one... 
Either way, everything that happens makes us who we are today, and, everything that you do makes you who you are tomorrow... 
Life is Trial and Error.. We learn from our mistakes... That's why shit happens.. So, we can learn from it and grow... 
The reason that everything has a reason is, because, without reason, life would be pointless... Right?? 
Does that make sense?? I don't know, I am having trouble sleeping, so, I am kind of loopy right now, lol.  I may just update this later when I am more awake...
-Your's Truly, Rae Bug

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