A Blog About Rae Bug's Thought Process..

Life Of Bug

Life Of Bug

Sunday, June 15, 2014


What The BLEEP?!?

I think about stuff like this ALL OF THE TIME... I have the movie that these quotes are from.. I just got the Quantum 3 disk Special Edition set of it not too long ago. It's called: "What The Bleep!? Down The Rabbit Hole". Or "What The Bleep Do We Know!?". That movie has rocked my world.. It really got me thinking.. It's just amazing...


Joseph Dispenza: What is reality? Is reality what we're seeing in our brain? Or is reality what we're seeing with our eyes? The truth is the brain does not know the difference between what it sees in its environment and what it remembers, because the same specific neurones of fire. But then it asks the question: what is reality? 
Narrator: Why do we keep recreating the same reality? Why do we keep having the same relationships? Why do we keep getting the same jobs over and over again? In this infinite sea of potential that exist around us, how come we keep recreating the same realities? Isn't it amazing that we have options and potentials that exist, but we're unaware of them? Is it possible that we're so conditioned to our daily lives, so conditioned to the way we create our lives, that we buy the idea that we have no control at all. We've been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. This new model of science is just the opposite. It says what's happening within us will create what's happening outside of us. 
John Hagelin: There literally are different worlds in which we live. The macroscopic world that we see is the world of ourselves, is the world of our atoms, the world of our nuclei. These are each totally different worlds. They have their own language, they have their own mathematics. They're not just smaller. Each is totally different, but they're complimentary because I am my atoms, but I am also myself. I am also my macroscopic physiology. It's all true. They're just different levels of truth. The deepest level of truth covered by science and by philosophy is the fundamental truth of unity. At that deepest sub-level of our reality you and I are literally one, one. one. 
Fred Alan Wolf: What I thought was unreal, now for me... seems in some ways to be more real than what I think to be real... which seems now more to be unreal. 
Jeffrey Satinover: We can't explain it, and anybody who gets too lost and try. Anybody who spends too much time trying to explain it is likely to get lost forever down the rabbit hole of mysteriousness.

Reggie: How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? 

I have never been the same since I watched this...

More Quotes From The Movie Here
: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399877/quotes

Check out the movie for yourself! --> http://www.whatthebleep.com/

I am always thinking about things like these.. Always... It all just Blows My Mind.. For real.. <3

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Also, Check this out.. The First Part is from "What The Bleep". But, there there is more in this Video as well... I think that EVERYONE should watch THIS Video..

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