Okay, I got bored and took some quizzes.. Most of them are pretty accurate about me.. I will post my results and the link to the quiz's site, so you can take the quiz, too. That is, if you want to take one of these quizzes for yourself... Here we go:

Which Native American Tribe Do You Belong In?
is what I got - "You belong in The Hopi Tribe! Also known as the
Peaceful Ones, The Hopi are a tribe based on agricultural and social
organization, placing women in charge of inheritance and determining
social standing. They strongly believe in acting as civilized, polite,
and mindful individuals who lead their lives according to The Hopi
standards of morals and ethics. Their values derive deeply from the
spiritual aspect of their culture which follow the Lunar Calendar;
they conduct and perform their ritual ceremonies according to this
timeline in order to be at one with the "Caretaker of the Earth". As an
unofficial Hopi, we can only assume that you are a naturally respectful,
content individual who takes great pleasure in Mother Earth's
surroundings. You also must be fairly democratic, structured and possess
a strong moral compass that is driven by treating others in the manner
you wish to be treated in. This is the perfect tribe for you, allowing
you to revel in harmony and peace with those you cohabitate with."

What is your spirit animal? (EXTREMELY accurate)
Here is what it said: "Wolf - Loyalty is very important to you. You
create incredibly deep emotions and relationships with people near you
in your environment. You get severely upset if the pecking order gets
switched up, which can cause you to become territorial and protective
over what is yours. Be careful not to drown the ones close to you in too
much emotion, and stay aware of your actions, because they can get out of hand. it is likely that you have a strong passion for music, or are highly gifted in it.
Here are some extra details about your totem:
Sharp intelligence, deep connection with instincts
Appetite for freedom
Expression of strong instincts
Feeling threatened, lack of trust in someone or in yourself"
Link To Quiz: Click Here

What word in the dictionary sums you up perfectly?
I got - "Your dictionary word is: Exotic You tend to stand out more than
you fit in. You are one of a kind. You can never be constrained or
boxed in. Simply, your nature is to be free and liberated. You've got
amazing experiences and seriously intriguing stories, but most of all,
you are classy in a your own kind of way. You make the world that much
more interesting!"

What Type of Woman Are You Really?
got "The Artist".. Here is what it said: " - You are an artist! The
creative force is burning inside you like fire. Your soul is young and
lively, you see everything as a work of art, and no matter what, you
never give up on the things that matter to you most. You see beauty in
every thing and every situation, and as long as there is beauty and art
in your life, you'd feel complete"
Link To Quiz: Click Here
Which 4 Letter Word Perfectly Describes You?
Here is what I got: "You are very in tune with
your mind and body and have a sensual approach to life and love. There
is something mysterious and alluring about your that draws people to
your presence. You live a life that is full of passion and adventure and
have had many exciting stories to tell!"

What Kind Of Energy Do You Have?
Here is what I got: "You have Psychic Energy! We get the feeling that there's a certain sixth
sense you're harboring. Or maybe you haven't unleashed the most
supernatural side of your energy source yet? If this is true, then we
think it's time you explore this! You're typically in tune with your
dreams and tend to go with your natural instincts, allowing you to
maintain that air of mystery and intrigue we all crave in our personal
image. Friends and family often come to you for your gut feeling based
advice since you're usually right about most things. Your motivation
doesn't necessarily need a specific driving force or purpose behind it
either. Why is that? Because you go with flow and possess the natural
ability to trust yourself from within, and this is a quality that many
people desire. Your ability to sense things before they happen is
uncanny, but the way you can also pick up on another individual's vibe
without immediate communication is even more impressive. Examine your
potential "Third Sight", and see if you can let it loose!"

What Do Your Daydreams Say About You?
I got: " You are Innovative and Original - According to your
daydreams, you are Innovative and Original! Nothing is better than
placing yourself in a fantasy world full of what others think of as the
impossible. Dr. Seuss would be proud of the imagination you possess.
Foreign lands, undiscovered species and far out characters are your
expertise and they certainly create the getaway escape we all crave from
the world of pressure and responsibility that can drive us nuts
sometimes. Being in your own company is never dull or boring as a result
of your inventive brain, and we're totally jealous of that creative
mind of yours. Oh, the things you can think!

What Was Your Past Life According To Your Memories?
Here is what I got: " You were a warrior in your
past life! Your memories reveal a strength and fighting spirit that few
can match. You're strong, determined, dedicated, and willing to
sacrifice for what you believe in. Your past life was very difficult and
full of struggle, but you were incredibly courageous and achieved a
great deal. There's a fire within you that will take you far in life.
You may have had some rough patches already in this life, but rely on
your inner warrior because nothing can stop you!"

Which Mythical Creature Resides Inside Of You?
This is what I got: "WEREWOLF - A werewolf is a person who has the ability to shape-shift into a big,
strong, wolf, who is either born that way, or cursed that way. Some
people are cursed that way, never to turn back into human. The ones who
continue changing from human to wolf and back again, transform into
wolves when they are mad, whenever they want to, and when it's a full
moon. When werewolves are good at stopping themselves from transforming
into wolves when they're mad, once it's a full moon, and they can't stop
themselves from transforming, they can control most of what they do
(although sometimes their wolf-side takes over), and they still can
remember what happened while they were a wolf after they turn back into a
human, unlike the werewolves that aren't good at controlling
themselves. Werewolves are almost the same as regular wolves except they
are bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and have more of an appetite.
You most likely are a meat-lover and have quite a few meals a day.
Werewolves are a bit stubborn and usually get what they want. They are
good leaders and very loyal to their leaders."

Which Instrument Are You?
I got Bass. I figured that I would get that result, lol. I disagree with the following part, though.. Here is what it all said: "You are a bass guitar! You
prefer to be in a group, but not the center of attention. You're more of
a follower than a leader. You are probably also a introvert, but can be
the life of the party when you're up to it!"

What is The Essence Of Your Soul?
Here is what I got: "You have an Artisan Essence
of a Soul! We get the feeling you might be a bit of a day dreamer, but
that's only because you're imagination has absolutely no limits! You are
wildly innovative and use a creative thought process, which helps you
develop a unique lifestyle you enjoy living to the fullest. You're not
too confrontational, but we can't blame you for that. It's completely
ideal to surround yourself with people and places who produce love and
relaxing vibes into your life; it keeps you healthy inside and out.
You're a decently flexible individual who lives in the moment, but that
doesn't mean you don't have your sensitive, more conservative side as

What Kind Of Wolf Are You?
Here is what it said: " The Black Wolf ->You are misjudged. You prefer to hide from misconceptions of yourself, but you aren't afraid to stand up for your pack."

What Color Is Your Aura?
Here is what it said: -"You got RED. - Having a red aura means
that you are passionate, driven, powerful and charged. You are
courageous and strong. A red aura indicates high levels of emotions like
anger and aggression, and means you are impulsive. Reds are typically
not good team players and like to do things their own way, following
their own ambitions and passions rather than someone else's plan for
them. Congratulations! You're an amazing individual."

What Name Suits Your Soul? (Girls)
I got Taylor. Here is what it said: "People with the name Taylor
tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with
powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals,
experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to
implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be
courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals,
they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and
What Kind Of Wings Does Your Soul Have?
I got Raven Wings.. Here is what it said:
"Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
By Edgar Allen Poe
are one of the most mysterious animals throughout the natural world.
You can be quiet, emotionless, studious, and sarcastic. You tend to
always come up with a witty remarks, and show a never ending amount of
skepticism. Despite having a seemingly unfriendly attitude, ravens do
indeed care greatly about the people they are attached to."

What Kind Of Art Do YOU Like?
Here is what it said: I got
Expressionism / Fauvism
"Expressionism and Fauvism
are characterized by the artist not feeling compelled to use realistic
colors or using perspective techniques to recreate an illusion of
reality. Rather colors are selected to fit the emotion felt or to create
emotional impact. In the example of this art style shown, for instance,
while we know no-one's face is truly green, nor does anyone have a line
around their chin or for a nose, we still recognize it as a painting of
a face. But instead of it focusing on being a likeness of someone, it's
a painting that conveys a sense of mood and emotion foremost."

What Decade Is Your Style?
I got the 70's... Here is what it said: "You have a down to earth sense of style. You like to express your peaceful vibes through what you wear."

How Do You Think?
Here is what I got: "You are a Creative Thinker.
Creative Thinkers are people who usually excel in the arts. They think
creatively and can come up with a lot of new meaningful ideas when
passionate. Creative thinkers are also know to be quite funny."

What Is Your Native American Totem?
Yay! I got the wolf! I kind of figured. lol.
Here is what it said: "The Native Americans
regarded the wolf as an intellect in both mind and spirit, a keeper of
knowledge, and a great teacher, as well as a guide to the sacred. Those
born with the Wolf totem are most often intellectuals, like their totem,
and are usually hunters of knowledge, especially with regards to
philosophy, religion, and anything else that they feel might bring
meaning and purpose into their lives. Like the wolf, they are often very
good with handling children and make excellent teachers. Wolf people
are usually quite intuitive, and can often quickly discern the
intentions and attitudes of others, even when they are hidden." -
How Open Minded Are You?
Here is what I got: "You are Radically Open
Minded! Nothing is too crazy for you. Nothing is too extreme for you.
And of course, nothing is too STRANGE for you. You love being a part of
anything groundbreaking and original. Exotic food? Yes. Impromptu
getaway? Count you in. Elope with the stranger you fell in love with 3
weeks ago? Probably! We don't want to go overboard and suggest that you
have no limits or responsibility, but you must admit, you're this
open-minded. This doesn't just just go for wild adventures and whirlwind
romances. You're a supporter of everything and anything humanistic.
Passing up a new opportunity that was foreign to you yesterday just
isn't an option. Why should it be?"
What Kind Of Tattoo Should You Really Get?
I Got: "Design/artsy - You are a unique being with
the knack of seeing deeper into people and getting them to open up
their souls to you. While you do emanate comfort and positive vibes, you
don't mind spending a day by yourself curled up with a book and cup of
tea and watching the rain fall."

Which Door Will You Open?
I Got: "Welcome to the Secret Garden! - You are a very nurturing person. You are soft-spoken and compassionate
and love being out in nature. You are very contemplative and often enjoy
being alone with your thoughts. You can also be secretive and don't
always say what's on your mind.
But you see beauty in everything
and love to share it with the world. You are a very loyal friend and
can always be counted on to follow through with your plans and goals"

How Tough Are You?
I Got:

What Kind Of House Should You Live In?
I got:
kind of figured that I would get this result. lol. Here is what it
says: "Cabin In The Woods - You should live in a Cabin in the woods! You
appreciate the great outdoors and you are not afraid to get dirty! You
are pretty low key and it doesn't take much for you to have a good time.
You are down to earth and accepting of others, but sometimes you just
like to get away from it all, which is why a cabin is the perfect

What Song Will Be Played At Your Funeral?
I got:
I really like my Result.. I got Good Riddance by Green Day.
Here is what it said: "Some of the lyrics from "Good Riddance (Time Of
Your Life)" that will be about your life: "So take the photographs, and
still frames in your mind / Hang it on a shelf in good health and good
time / Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial / For what it's worth
it was worth all the while"
You will be remembered as a loyal
friend with a rough exterior and a heart of gold. At your funeral, your
loved ones will tell stories of your fantastic adventures and all of the
fun you had."
Link To Quiz: Click Here

Which Ancient Religion Does Your Spirit Belong To?
I kind of figured that I would get this result.. A few people have told
me that I tend to gravitate towards Buddhism. I have many different
beliefs, though.. I don't think that they can be labeled as a specific
Belief, Religion, or Philosophy..
--> I got: "Buddhism - Kind and thoughtful, your spirit is in line with the practices of Buddhism. More at peace with philosophy than religion, your spirituality rests within wells of knowledge and wisdom. You have a deep appreciation for life and the makings of our reality. For you, knowledge is sacred - as are acts of kindness and sincerity. Buddhism centers on happiness and wisdom, and the sanctity of inner peace - all things you hold in high regard.
"Underpinning all of Buddhist thought are the Four Noble Truths:
All existence is pain.
All pain is caused by human cravings.
Detachment from craving will end pain.
There is an eightfold path that leads to the end of pain.
Buddhism avoids paying much attention to deities, but places great importance on self-discipline, meditation and compassion. It is through these avenues that its followers achieve the equivalent of a spiritual union with higher powers. As a result, Buddhism is sometimes regarded more as a philosophy than a religion [source: Losch]." - Discovery.com"
Link To Quiz: Click Here

What Color Is Your Anger?
White is the color of your
anger! Your anger is righteous. You're a highly evolved soul from a
higher plane. Your emotions are pure and your anger only rears its head
when there's a profound injustice. Your anger is always in pursuit of
the common good and justice. You believe deeply in fairness and when
things aren't right you'll turn the world upside down to make things the
way they should be, but when it comes to the little annoyances of life
you just can't be bothered! You're a noble person with a strong
spiritual side - whether you realize it or not! Keep it up because this
world needs you!
Which Mythical Creature Hides Inside You?
I Got:
Just like the phoenix, you always rise from the ashes.
live a harsh life, full of struggles and unfortunate events, but
through it all, you never lost your hope that things will get better,
and you always got up and started over. You have always overcome every
challenge, and your story will be told for generations!

What Is Your Guardian Angel Trying To Tell You?
(At this point in my life - this is very accurate.. I have been thinking about this a lot lately.. Pushing myself.. Throwing myself out into the world, ect.. Wasn't expecting a result like this.. Weird... I'm going to take this as a sign.. Lol. Maybe, I really should, though. :P)
I Got:
Push Your Limits
Your guardian angel watches over you and sees your free spirit,
wanderlust, and enthusiasm for life. You have important dreams that are
at risk of being forgotten and your guardian angel wants to prevent you
from getting stuck. Like a river that flows over the land, when one path
becomes blocked you must change course or you will become stale. You
will benefit from breaking your patterns and pushing your limits.

What Kind of Witch Are You?
I got: Eclectic Witch (Which makes perfect sense in relation to my beliefs)
When it comes to practicing
witchcraft, you prefer to study various systems in order to find which
spells and incantations work best for you! As a lover of history and the
arts, you take the best parts of traditions and apply them to your